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Making a Google Map with custom markers on

I'm currently using the Google Maps v.3 API to generate a custom map of locations in my database on my site. Each location that turns up in the database query is given a marker and a simple Info Window that displays its name and address. However, I'd like to give users the option of also looking at the map on Google's site ( so that they can access driving directions there. Is there any way to do this? I was thinking something the along the lines of dynamically importing a GeoRSS feed, but I don't know if that's possible.


  • Users can click on the Google Logo on the bottom left hand side of the map to go to a standard google maps page.. alternatively can build up a URL from your map and send them off to a new page.. here's a function I use to give Users a URL that they can paste into other places.. you could use similar code with the javascript function:

    function GenerateLink(){
    var url;
    url = "" + map.getCenter().lat() + "," + map.getCenter().lng() + '&z=' + map.getZoom(); 
    prompt("You can copy this link using CTRL-C, its a direct link to Google Maps for the current map center and zoom level", url);
