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How do I create an ethereum wallet in Python?

I am building an application that would create a wallet for a user. One option is the web3.personal API in, which has a newAccount('passphrase') method. The method only returns the address of created account.

What I'm looking for is a function similar to the eth.accounts API in web3.js, which has a create([entropy]) method. It returns an account object with 'address', 'privatekey' and other details.


  • Setup

    At shell: pip install eth_account

    Generating Account

    The eth-account library will help you create a private key with an attached address:

    >>> from eth_account import Account
    >>> acct = Account.create('KEYSMASH FJAFJKLDSKF7JKFDJ 1530')
    >>> acct.privateKey
    >>> acct.address

    Adding some of your own randomness above helps address potential limitations of os.urandom, which depends on your version of Python, and your operating system. Obviously use a different string of randomness than the 'KEYSMASH...' one from above.

    For more information about using the private key, see this doc with common examples, like signing a transaction.

    As a side-note, you may find more support at