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Getting Display value of cmdb ci ServiceNow using Python

I have a code where I need to fetch CMDB Details from servicenow using python

import pysnow
import subprocess
import os
s = pysnow.Client(instance='test', user='admin', 
password='test',request_params={'sysparm_display_value': 'true'})
r = s.query('incident',params={'displayvalue': 'true'}, query=
for record in r.get_multiple(order_by=['-created_on']):

The Output I get is

{u'link': u'
30028f7fd218110c7f5', u'display_value': u'Server01'}

Is there a way to parse the output further so that I can get the display_value of cmdb_ci?

I tried dv_cmdb_ci,display_value_cmdb_ci and cmdb_ci_display_value. Doesn't work.

Thanks in advance


  • I used this and got it
