I'm trying to extend/copy this code by marisks
to include a default sorting interceptor. But for the life of me, I cannot wrap my head around the expressions and bindings.
Inspired by the SoftDelete code
var table = (EntityType)expression.Target.ElementType;
if (table.Properties.All(p => p.Name != IsDeletedColumnName))
return base.Visit(expression);
var binding = expression.Bind();
return binding.Filter(
I'm trying to add a similar thing to sort data be default. This is the closest I've come (that will compile)
var table = (EntityType)expression.Target.ElementType;
string sortingColumn = "Priority";
var binding = expression.Bind();
return binding.Filter(
.OrderBy(m => m)
but it throws an exception at runtime:
DbExpressionBinding requires an input expression with a collection ResultType. Parameter name: input
Can someone help me fix this - and possibly help me understand what's going on?
I did some hacking on my own. Basically the problem is that you try to create a Filter expression, but you need a Sort expression. Something like this:
var sortingColumn = "OrderProp";
var binding = expression.Bind();
return DbExpressionBuilder.Sort(binding,
new[] {
DbExpressionBuilder.ToSortClause(binding.VariableType.Variable(binding.VariableName).Property(sortingColumn) )
Of course, this only works, if you have the "OrderProp" on the type itself (you have to add extra checks for that).