I'm converting a stored procedure that works well into a linq query but am not getting the correct records. The stored procedure looks like the following:
SELECT isnull(a.CertificationId, cc.CertificationId) as CertificationId,
isnull(a.cipcode, cc.CipCode) as CipCode,isnull(a.Credential, lc.Credential) as Credential,
lc.LicensingCertificationProgram, lc.IssuingOrganization, isnull(a.ab, '') as ab
FROM enrCertificationCipCodes CC INNER JOIN
lkpCertifications lc ON CC.CertificationId = lc.CertificationId
left join
(SELECT pc.CertificationId,
lc.IssuingOrganization, ab = 'Yes',
FROM enrCertificationCipCodes CC INNER JOIN
lkpCertifications lc ON CC.CertificationId = lc.CertificationId
inner join (select * from enrProgramCertifications where PSN = @PSN) PC on cc.CertificationId = pc.CertificationId ) as a on a.CertificationId = cc.CertificationId
where cc.CipCode = @CipCode
select pc.CertificationId as CertificationId, p.cipcode as CipCode, other as Credential,'' as LicensingCertificationProgram,
'' as IssuingOrganization, 'Yes' as ab
from (select * from enrProgramCertifications where CertificationId = '99999') pc join enrProgram p on pc.PSN = p.PSN
where p.CIPCode = @CipCode and p.PSN = @PSN
select '99999' as CertificationId, @CipCode as CipCode, 'Other' as Credential,'' as LicensingCertificationProgram, '' as IssuingOrganization, '' as ab
order by ab desc, Credential
The linq query I have is
var t = ((from a in LkpCertifications
join d in EnrProgramCertifications on a.CertificationId equals d.CertificationId into ad
from d in ad.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in EnrCertificationCipCodes on a.CertificationId equals c.CertificationId
where c.CipCode == "52.1999"
select new {
CertificationId = a.CertificationId,
CipCode = c.CipCode,
Credential = a.Credential,
Licensing = a.LicensingCertificationProgram,
IssuingOrganization = a.IssuingOrganization,
Psn = d.PSN != null ? d.PSN : 0,
ab = d.PSN != null ? "Yes" : ""
.Union (from k in EnrProgramCertifications
join l in LkpCertifications on k.CertificationId equals l.CertificationId where k.PSN == 19480
select new{
CertificationId = k.CertificationId,
CipCode = "52.1999",
Credential = k.Other,
Licensing = l.LicensingCertificationProgram,
IssuingOrganization = l.IssuingOrganization,
Psn = k.PSN != null ? k.PSN : 0,
ab = k.PSN != null ? "Yes" : ""
The result is that I am getting more rows from the left joined table. If I try to limit the rows from the left joined table by qualifying it with the PSN number, then I don't get the results from the lkpCertifications table. The lkpCertifications holds all the certifications and and the enrProgramCertifications hold only those that have been selected much like an orders and orderdetail set up.
So my current results looks like
I should be getting only a single item 54 with a 0 PSN and a single 55 record with a PSN of 19480.
Any ideas of the issue?
I was able to resolve this issue by using a couple joins into objects that defaultifempty() to return the left outer joins.
certs = (from a in _context.LkpCertifications
join d in _context.EnrProgramCertifications on a.CertificationId equals d.CertificationId into ad
from d in ad.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in _context.EnrCertificationCipCodes on a.CertificationId equals c.CertificationId into ac
from c in ac.DefaultIfEmpty()
where c.CipCode == CIP || d.Psn == Psn
select new vmManageCertifications
Psn = d.Psn == Psn ? d.Psn : 0,
Cipcode = c.CipCode == null ? "0" : c.CipCode,
CertificationId = a.CertificationId,
Credential = a.Credential == "Other" ? d.Other : a.Credential,
LicensingCertificationProgram = a.LicensingCertificationProgram,
IssuingOrganization = a.IssuingOrganization,
ProgramCertified = d.Psn == Psn ? true : false
}).ToList().GroupBy(i => i.CertificationId).Select(group => group.First()).OrderByDescending(i => i.ProgramCertified);