I have one weird thing to configure is that Can I have docker daemon per user on Host? I want to isolate the process where individual user can have his own docker daemon where the user can run his own services/images/containers and test it. Basically I need this for testing environment where each user shall have his own set of services.
I could see that there is something called docker bridge but I am not sure If I can extend it. Can someone please suggest me somethings.
Edit 1 : Can I use docker-machine for the same? but I am not finding the way to configure it.
I could achieve this with my own Solution. Basically this is easily achievable with custom docker daemon configurations.
This link has all the details. Dockerd
And this talks on securing the tcp socket between client and engine secure docker connection
However running multiple daemons is still a experimental features since global configurations such as Iptables are part of it. For my case I do not need it hence disabled those.
Note : This is adaptable for my use case. If you are with similar scenario and with extra configurations I recommend you to read the Docker Documentation and also a Stackoverflow question if it does not satisfy the thirst.