I've been searching for a method on how to accomplish this with absolutely no success.
I have 5 separate Macros in my (root) Macros folder for google chrome
Each example.iim runs a different task with specific timers. Is there a script I can run that will call each Example#.iim script 1 by 1. In the order I choose?
The only thing i've come across is the iimPlay() method. And it simple doesn't work for me. Or more likely, i don't have a clue how to use it or if it's what i'm looking for.
€dit: Apparently this only works for iMacros for Firefox, the Chrome version doesn't seem to support js macros.
iimPlay is one way to go about it, though. Note that iimPlay is to be used from js.
Next to your Example iims, you can create a foo.js with the code you want inside, like
which will play the iim macros in that order when you play the foo.js code.