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Java SockJS Spring client and message size

Using SockJS java client, I am trying to connect to Spring sockjs server and is getting error 1009 for messages (without headers) of ~20Kb. Javascript library works fine.

Transport closed with CloseStatus[code=1009, reason=The decoded text message was too big 
for the output buffer and the endpoint does not support partial messages] in WebSocketClientSockJsSession
[id='9fa30eb453e14a8c8612e1064640646a, url=ws://]

I have couple of config classes on server (I do not know at the moment if I am configuring these things more times than necessary):

public class WebSocketTransportConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {
    // Important web socket setup. If big message is coming through, it may overflow the buffer and this will lead in disconnect.
    // All messages that are coming through normally (including snapshots) must be order of magnitude smaller, or connection will be broken
    // sometimes
    // There is also MaxBinaryMessageSize that we do not employ as we use Stomp, but for completeness it is also set to same values.
    // Javadoc

    public static final int MAX_TEXT_MESSAGE_SIZE = 2048000; // 2 Megabytes.
    public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = MAX_TEXT_MESSAGE_SIZE * 5;

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(WebSocketTransportConfig.class);

    public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {


    public DefaultHandshakeHandler handshakeHandler() {"Websocket buffer size: " + BUFFER_SIZE + " bytes.");
        WebSocketPolicy policy = new WebSocketPolicy(WebSocketBehavior.SERVER);
        policy.setInputBufferSize( BUFFER_SIZE);

        return new DefaultHandshakeHandler(
                new JettyRequestUpgradeStrategy(new WebSocketServerFactory(policy)));


public class WebSocketBrokerConfig extends WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {

    public void configureWebSocketTransport(WebSocketTransportRegistration registry) {
        // Increase buffers. 
        // Too little buffers may result in fatal errros when transmitting relatively large messages.

According to Stomp spring web socket message exceeds size limit that should help but when connecting Java Spring SockJS client, I still get error 1009 (too big message).

I suspect therefore I may have one of two issues:

  1. Java SockJS client must be also configured to RECEIVE bigger messages.
  2. Or, I am still misconfigured on server.

How can I increase buffer size on Java SockJS Spring client?


  • I stumbled with the same problem. It's all about the configuration of the client, not the server. You can create WebSocketContainer instance and configure it.

    WebSocketContainer container = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer();
    WebSocketClient transport = new StandardWebSocketClient(container);
    WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(transport);

    your_size - size in bytes.