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Maven - Unable to resolve dependency conflict b/w google-vision beta & aws-sdk sub-components

I'm trying to use google-vision to fetch text from an image (uploaded to AWS S3) and store it in AWS Dynamo DB. I'm encountering dependency conflicts on jackson-core as both google-api and aws-java-sdk are using two different versions.

Dependency Hierarchy

google-api-client: 1.22.0 uses jackson-core: 2.1.3

google-cloud-vision: 0.22.0-beta uses jackson-core: 2.1.3

aws-java-sdk: 1.11.106 uses jackson-core: 2.6.6

I tried "exclusions" and added explicit dependency in pom.xml to use jackson-core: 2.6.6. Google-vision api works fine with that change. However, AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder fails with below error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient.<init>(Lcom/amazonaws/client/AwsSyncClientParams;)V from class
    at com.oneglint.ImageProcessing.AddItem.main(

Following error is displayed when there was version conflict

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory.requiresPropertyOrdering()Z
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.<init>(
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.<init>(
    at com.amazonaws.partitions.PartitionsLoader.<clinit>(
    at com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadataFactory.create(
    at com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils.initialize(
    at com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils.getRegionMetadata(
    at com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils.getRegion(
    at com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder.withRegion(
    at com.oneglint.ImageProcessing.AddItem.main(

What am I missing here? Thanks for the help..

BTW, I'm using example code from github to achieve this. Here are the links:

DynamoDB example:

Google Vision DetectText example:

Additional Details

Both the examples are working fine if executed as independent projects. The problem occurs ONLY when both PutItem (AWS) & Detect (google-vision) classes are brought together in a single project, with appropriate code changes.


  • After a lot of trial and error approach, the issue is finally solved.

    It appears that I added multiple versions of aws-java-sdk jars during the process and an opennlp jar was associated with the project for some other module.

    I had removed conflicting versions of aws-java-sdk and unnecessary libraries. Also, removed the exclusions and retained only the dependency addition in <dependencymanagement> for jackson-core.

    Dependencies in my final pom listed below:

            <exclusion> <!-- exclude an old version of Guava -->

    Hope this helps others..