I am working off of Safari's Pyramid tutorial
Inside of my views.py
file I having a problem with the following code:
def current(self):
todo_id = self.request.matchdict.get('id')
todo = sample_todos.get(todo_id)
if not todo:
raise HTTPNotFound()
return todo
particularly when the following view function calls this property
@view_config(route_name='view', renderer='templates/view.jinja2')
def view(self):
return dict(todo=self.current)
when I am running the application
will not trigger the anticipated HTTPNotFound()
, see route below.
config.add_route('view', '/{id}')
the error logs return:
File "/Users/alex/zdev/t-oreilly/mysite/views.py", line 50, in view
return dict(todo=self.current)
File "/Users/alex/zdev/t-oreilly/mysite/views.py", line 25, in current
raise HTTPNotFound()
pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound: The resource could not be found.
On the browser waitress returns a default server error.
What is the proper way to remove this error?
I have uploaded this work to github, commit aaf562e
the tutorial link is here, for those eager to help, it can be accessed with their 10 day trial. This problem is from video 17/48.
thank you, if you need additional information please let me know.
In two of your Jinja templates you reference the @property
. However, since the property throws an HTTPNotFound()
exception, your Jinja templates end up hitting that and explode, causing your problem.
Either remove the calls to view.current
from your Jinja templates or modify your view.current
function so that it doesn't throw.
I'm not sure if this is the solution you are looking for, but it doesn't deviate from the tutorial.