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Odata Controller not working with multiple Keys

I work with an ASP.NET webapi with entity framework and odataV4 controller

First i had one [Key] tag in my model and every controllerAction was shown in the swagger UI

Now i have 3 [Key] tags in my model and only controllerActions with no arguments are shown in the swagger UI

I changed my Model from

    //Some other stuff
    public byte first{ get; set; }
    public int second{ get; set; }
    public long third{ get; set; }
    //Some other stuff


      //Some other stuff
    public byte first{ get; set; }
    public int second{ get; set; }
    public long third{ get; set; }
    //Some other stuff

and the controllerAction from

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Put([FromODataUri] byte key, Delta<lists> patch)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Put([FromODataUri] byte first, [FromODataUri] int second, [FromODataUri] long third, Delta<lists> patch)

with one key the Endpoints are shown in the swagger UI and they work, with multiple keys the Endpoints are not shown in the swagger UI and everytime i try to reach the endpoint this error shows up

"No action was found on the controller 'lists' that matches the request."

I send a PUT Request with .../myController(first=1,second=1,third=10) in the URL

What i am missing or doing wrong?


  • Which version do you use?

    As I know, the latest 5.x and 6.x version do support the multiple keys, no matter attribute routing or convention routing you are using.

    See the comments in

    So for your scenario, if in convention routing, the parameter name in the method of controller should be prefixed with "key".

    public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Put([FromODataUri] byte keyfirst, [FromODataUri] int keysecond, [FromODataUri] long keythird, Delta<lists> patch)

    Hope it can help you. Thanks!