I am tryin to use arrayfire with python.
I have an GTX550Ti and use opencl backend since I don't seem to get cuda working (don't know if compute version 2.1 of the 550Ti is too low for arrayfire). I try to free memory / arrays that are allocated using statement such as
import numpy as np
import arrayfire as af
arr_h = np.arange(2**15,dtype=np.complex64)
arr_d = af.np_to_af_array(arr_h)
the free_device complains and says it need a pointer. If I use either
I get an error:
OSError: exception: access violation reading 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
So.. what is the correct way to free memory?
Frees a device object. But you are trying to free an array inside the device. I would try any of these:
arr_d = af.Array()
arr_d = None
del arr_d