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How to launch .exe app with parameter uwp

I know we can use LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync(String) method and

<desktop:Extension Category="windows.fullTrustProcess" Executable="fulltrustprocess.exe"> 
    <desktop:ParameterGroup GroupId="SyncGroup" Parameters="/Sync"/> 
    <desktop:ParameterGroup GroupId="OtherGroup" Parameters="/Other"/> 

to launch and send parameter to win32 app. But my big question is: How to receive that parameter in my win32 app (in my case win32 app is my Console Application). Does anyone has any help. thank you.

Update for Stefan answer
in win32 app always have Main(string[] args), so if another app launch our win32 .exe with parameter (for example: "my parameter" string), args string array will contains that "my parameter" string, I sure that.


  • The parameters are delivered as arguments in the Main() function of your Win32 process.