I have already:
Cucumber Java
, Gherkin plugin
the steps
and features
directories:My directory structure looks like this:
- test
- java
- features
- featureSet1
- oneFeature.feature
- anotherFeature.feature
- featuresSet2
- twoFeature.feature
- CucumberTests.java
- steps
- step1.java
- step2.java
Under the features folder, I have a file called, CucumberTests.java
. I'm able to run the tests via mvn test
but the red error marks reallllly annoy me.
I have these tags in CucumberTest.java
, which is supposed to run the tests:
@CucumberOptions(plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/surefire-
reports/cucumber", "json:target/surefire-
features = {"src/test/java/features/featuresSet1",
tags = {"~@ignore"},
glue = {"steps"})
The issue is from Substeps IntelliJ Plugin
that IntelliJ
suggests you install when it locates a .feature
file inside your project.
Just ignore this extension when it pops up or uninstall if you already have it.
Cucumber for Java
and Gherkin
should be enough.