I'm trying to get Flask to connect to a local MySQL but this keeps failing. I have tried multiple combinations based on other forums
from flask.ext.mysql import MySQL
from flask_mysql import MySQL
from flaskext.mysql import MySQL
the error I get is the following
ImportError: No module named flask.ext.mysql
Running Windows 10 & Python3.5 I have pip installed flask-MySQL
********** EDIT ***********
With the help of the user @metmirr (Thank you!!!) the fix was to use a virtual environment, couldn't get it to work any other way! The answer and comments have been removed somehow
Use mysql.connector for accessing MySQL from Flask. For more details visit the link.
Import MySQL Connector
import mysql.connector
Connect to local database
def getMysqlConnection():
return mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',database='test',user='root',password='root')
To access the database
db = getMysqlConnection()
sqlstr = "select * from test_table"
cur = db.cursor()
output_json = cur.fetchall()