It's my first few lessons in programming and i've encountered a question that i don't really understand how to proceed.
def defeat_balrog(protagonist):
def spawn_balrog():
"""Spawns and returns a stubborn balrog"""
def balrog_attack(balrog, person):
"""Returns an attack move from the balrog's repertoire"""
cave_balrog = spawn_balrog()
is_balrog_defeated = False
yell(protagonist, 'You cannot pass!')
while not is_balrog_defeated:
current_attack = balrog_attack(cave_balrog, protagonist)
if current_attack != None:
take_defensive_action(protagonist, current_attack)
yell(protagonist, 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS!')
take_offensive_action(protagonist, cave_balrog)
is_balrog_defeated = True
return True
def take_defensive_action(attacked_entity, attack_move):
attacked_entity anticipates attack_move and defends himself.
#my stubs here#
I'm supposed to identify the remaining functions that have been wishfully used, but for which stubs have not been created, and fill in from the last line #my stubs here#. not sure how to get started or proceed on.
A stub is a function that exists but for which no meaningful business logic has been defined. For example:
def take_defensive_action(attacked_entity, attack_move):
Notice the pass statement here? It means that you've defined a valid function, but it does nothing.
Pasting your code into PyCharm, I see the following functions highlighted in "yellow" (that means those function names have an Unresolved reference
yell(protagonist, 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS!')
take_offensive_action(protagonist, cave_balrog)
Clear on the meaning of what a stub is, you should be able to define these functions accordingly as they haven't been defined yet. Here's an example for yell
def yell(protagonist, message):
I leave the second to you.