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Do inner and/or partial classes take away from the principle of the State Design Pattern?

In my ongoing quest to master various design patterns, I ran into the "State" design pattern.

First, let me explain where I am attempting to use this pattern. I have a Form which I would like to apply state to. My program has three states: Configuration, Processing, and ProcessingComplete. When the Form changes state various components of the Form will become enabled/disabled, visible/invisible, etc.

With my understanding of the State pattern, all those changes (making components visible/invisible, enabled/disabled, etc) should occur within a separate class which contains an instance of the Form. If the various State classes are separate from the Form's class, the State classes can not access the Form's components. I feel that this leaves me with one of two options:

  1. Expose the Form's components as public
  2. Make the State classes a inner class of the Form

I feel that option (1) is bad form, but I feel that option (2) violates the spirit of the State pattern somehow. The other thought I had was use option (2) but using partial class implementations, however I still feel that its violating the spirit of the State pattern.

Are my feelings on either choice unjust, or is there another option I haven't even thought of?


  • You're missing a third option.

    Include the parts the State will control as part of the contract of the class.

    So if your goal is to modify the text of a label, your base State class should require a label be sent to it. Then you can have an InitializeState(State myState) or BuildStates() method on your form that sets the appropriate fields.

    Option 1 is wrong. Option 2 really becomes unnecessary when you design your State such that it can only act what it is given, which is really how objects should act anyway.