I have a list like this:
lst = ['3:44:44', '1.', '0', '2P', 'ri', 'NULL', 'fs']
And I used this code to get it into this format (because I'm going to insert it into a mysql table):
Which is almost exactly what I want, except I do not want the NULL in quotes (if it goes in as quotes then mysql interprets that as 0, but I need it to be inserted as null). I also have many lists that I need to make sure the NULL is not in quotes but everything else is. How can I do this?
I also tried using python's None instead of 'NULL' but when I need to change the format from a list to comma separated values, python doesn't like the NoneType.
Maybe this also work:
>>> lst = ['3:44:44', '1.', '0', '2P', 'ri', 'NULL', 'fs']
>>> print ("'{}'".format("','".join(lst)).replace("'NULL'", 'NULL'))