Consider the following visualization of a 7x5 matrix consisting of 3 distinct regions/values:
bL = toeplitz( [zeros(1,5) -2*ones(1,2)], [0 -ones(1,4)] );
hF = figure(); hA = axes(hF);
imagesc(hA,bL); axis(hA,'image'); set(hA,'XTick',[],'YTick',[]);
N = 4; cmap = parula(N); colormap(cmap(1:end-1,:));
Now let's say I "select" 0 or more pixels in each column such that:
Several examples of selection (using the value 1
%Example 1:
cSF = toeplitz([ones(1,1) zeros(1,4) -2*ones(1,2)],[1 -ones(1,4)]);
%Example 2:
oSF = toeplitz( [zeros(1,5) -2*ones(1,2)], [0 -ones(1,4)] );
oSF(end-2:end,find(any(oSF==-2,1),1,'last')+1:end) = 1;
%Example 3:
iSF = toeplitz([ones(1,3) zeros(1,2) -2*ones(1,2)],[1 -ones(1,4)]);
% Plot:
hF = figure();
hP(1) = subplot(1,3,1); imagesc(cSF);
hP(2) = subplot(1,3,2); imagesc(oSF);
hP(3) = subplot(1,3,3); imagesc(iSF);
axis(hP,'image'); set(hP,'XTick',[],'YTick',[]);
My objective is to draw a set of rectangles encompassing "selected" (yellow) pixels belonging to the same column. For the examples above, the results should look like this (respectively):
The way I see it, for the code to be general it should accept: (1) an axes handle where the imagesc
should be plotted; (2) a data
array; (3) a value found in the data
array, representing "chosen" pixels; and optionally the color of the enclosed pixels.
I found some ways of doing this using patch
and rectangle
(see own answer), but I'm wondering if this can be achieved with fewer function calls or in other ways I hadn't thought of.
:Here's a solution that generates coordinates for patch
without needing a loop:
function column_highlight(hA, data, selectionVal)
assert(nargin >= 2);
if (nargin < 3) || isempty(selectionVal)
selectionVal = 1;
nCol = size(data, 2);
data = diff([false(1, nCol); (data == selectionVal); false(1, nCol)]);
[r, c] = find(data);
r = reshape(r-0.5, 2, []);
c = c(1:2:end);
X = [c-0.5 c+0.5 c+0.5 c-0.5].';
Y = r([1 1 2 2], :);
patch(hA, 'XData', X, 'YData', Y, 'FaceColor', 'none');
:If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you can solve this by labeling each masked column section and getting the 'BoundingBox'
shape measure using regionprops
function column_highlight(hA, data, selectionVal)
assert(nargin >= 2);
if (nargin < 3) || isempty(selectionVal)
selectionVal = 1;
labelMat = bsxfun(@times, (data == selectionVal), 1:size(data, 2));
coords = regionprops(labelMat, 'BoundingBox');
coords = vertcat(coords.BoundingBox);
coords(:, 3:4) = coords(:, 1:2)+coords(:, 3:4);
X = coords(:, [1 3 3 1]).';
Y = coords(:, [4 4 2 2]).';
patch(hA, 'XData', X, 'YData', Y, 'FaceColor', 'none');