I'd like to migrate GitLab to GitHub. Of course, Git repo is easy to migrate. But other working items, such as Issue. Can I migrate all working items to GitHub Enterprise? If API is needed, please let me know the GitHub and GitLab APIs for the migration. If there is a tool, it is the best and helpful.
Best Regards,
I believe that is there a more efficient approach to solve this, but today we are trying Enterprise Edition and migrations projects individualy.
To export a full project, with Issues, MR history, ..., there is a section called Export Project.
Under project Settings > General > Export Project section with the following instructions:
Export this project with all its related data in order to move your project to a new GitLab instance. Once the export is finished, you can import the file from the "New Project" page.
Once the exported file is ready, you will receive a notification email with a download link.
The following items will be exported:
Project and wiki repositories Project uploads Project configuration including web hooks and services Issues with comments, merge requests with diffs and comments, labels, milestones, snippets, and other project entities
The following items will NOT be exported:
Job traces and artifacts LFS objects Container registry images CI variables Any encrypted tokens
Now, I wanna learn if there is a global export for all projects.