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Changing Masonry columns on click

I'm trying to change the Masonry number of columns with a script in jQuery. This scripts reduce the max-width of Masonry container to force show only one column. The Script works almost fine, because I need to make double click to get my changes done. ¿Is it possible to make it with only one click?

This is my script:

  itemSelector: '.grid-item',
  columnWidth: '.grid-sizer',
  percentPosition: true,
  gutter: 24,

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.button-one').on('click', function() {
      itemSelector: '.grid-item',
      columnWidth: '.grid-sizer',
      percentPosition: true,
      gutter: 24,

    $('.grid').css({'max-width': '600px'});

I have a Codepen demo with all the files:



  • One possible way to do this:

    $('.button-one').on('click', function() {
      $('.grid').css({'max-width': '600px'})

    Demo. See, you don't need to reinitialize the whole plugin: just command it to relayout the existing items with existing rules, based on the new dimensions of a grid container.

    The way it stands, the plugin is first called again (making all the calculations using the existing style of a container), and only after that you change max-width of a grid. The second click works ok, as dimensions are already changed.