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Build and generate script for SSDT project using command line tools

I am trying to achieve following workflow using command line:

  1. Build the project using specific variables overriding via command line (for example I have $(buildVersion) variable in publish config that has some value. I would like to override the $(buildVersion) by entered value command line. The output of this step is dacpac file
  2. Generate the publish script based on the generated dacpac file and the actual database

I tried to use both SqlPackage.exe and MSBuild.exe tools. However I can't get desired effect as:

  • I can't find the way how to build project with SqlPackage
  • I can't find the way how to pass variables to MSBuild

What I can now:

  • I can build the project using MSBuild
  • I can generate the publish script with SqlPackage


  • The stuff in a publish profile for a database project doesn't affect the build step where the dacpac is created, after all you can have as many publish profiles as you like for a single project.

    When generating the publish script with sqlpackage.exe, you can pass variables like sqlpackage.exe /action:script /sourcefile:mydacpac.dacpac /v:BuildNumber=xyz