I run an application on Exact Oline for eco taxes, using XML output with XSL transformation to generate the HTML forms.
A query like:
select * from me
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<InvantiveDAPOutput xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<!--ecotaksen.be Invantive Data Access Point (Unofficial)-->
<!--License 'L740757780' registered to Control INFO B.V..-->
<ResultSet Id="0">
In my XSL I then use for instance:
<xsl:value-of select="//InvantiveDAPOutput/ResultSets/ResultSet[@Id='4']/Rows/Row/entity_name_singular" />
But when I insert a query somewhere in the process, the Id all change. 1 remains 1 for instance, but the numbers after the new inserted query increase by 1.
Is there a smarter way to make the XSL independent of the number of queries and their order?
Just add the desired name of the result set to your query as a hint:
select /*+ result_set_name('myname') */ * from me
The XML will become like:
<ResultSet Id="0" Name="myname">
You can find the full syntax for execution hints in the documentation. This holds for Exact Online as well as other platforms such as Teamleader or salesforce.