I'm having trouble sorting data by price. I want to show off the price based on the value of the price I've tried, but the results are not as I expected.
code testing:
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient().ecome
col = client['post_product']
data = []
GetData = col.find({'Category':'Handphone'}).sort([('Price', pymongo.ASCENDING)]).limit(10)
for x in GetData:
listed = dict(
print data
and the result:
'price': '10',
'title': 'tresemse'
}, {
'price': '200',
'title': 'muaral winner'
}, {
'price': '30',
'title': 'troboca'
}, {
'price': '400',
'title': 'brek yule'
}, {
'price': '50',
'title': 'moun yus'
the results I expect are:
'price': '10',
'title': 'tresemse'
}, {
'price': '30',
'title': 'troboca'
}, {
'price': '50',
'title': 'moun yus'
}, {
'price': '200',
'title': 'muaral winner'
}, {
'price': '400',
'title': 'brek yule'
please help !
This is how strings are sorted. You should change Price field to number if you want it to be sorted as a number and not as a string. There's no way Mongo can assume it's a number when it's not.