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How do I create padded batches in Tensorflow for tf.train.SequenceExample data using the DataSet API?

For training an LSTM model in Tensorflow, I have structured my data into a tf.train.SequenceExample format and stored it into a TFRecord file. I would now like to use the new DataSet API to generate padded batches for training. In the documentation there is an example for using padded_batch, but for my data I can't figure out what the value of padded_shapes should be.

For reading the TFrecord file into the batches I have written the following Python code:

import math
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import struct
import sys
import array

if(len(sys.argv) != 2):
  print "Usage: [RFRecord file]"

vectorSize = 40
inFile = sys.argv[1]

def parse_function_dataset(example_proto):
  sequence_features = {
      'inputs': tf.FixedLenSequenceFeature(shape=[vectorSize],
      'labels': tf.FixedLenSequenceFeature(shape=[],

  _, sequence = tf.parse_single_sequence_example(example_proto, sequence_features=sequence_features)

  length = tf.shape(sequence['inputs'])[0]
  return sequence['inputs'], sequence['labels']

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

filenames = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[None])
dataset =
dataset =
# dataset = dataset.batch(1)
dataset = dataset.padded_batch(4, padded_shapes=[None])
iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()

batch = iterator.get_next()

# Initialize `iterator` with training data.
training_filenames = [inFile], feed_dict={filenames: training_filenames})


The code works well if I use dataset = dataset.batch(1) (no padding needed in that case), but when I use the padded_batch variant, I get the following error:

TypeError: If shallow structure is a sequence, input must also be a sequence. Input has type: .

Can you help me figuring out what I should pass for the padded_shapes parameter?

(I know there is lots of example code using threading and queues for this, but I'd rather use the new DataSet API for this project)


  • You need to pass a tuple of shapes. In your case you should pass

    dataset = dataset.padded_batch(4, padded_shapes=([vectorSize],[None]))

    or try

    dataset = dataset.padded_batch(4, padded_shapes=([None],[None]))

    Check this code for more details. I had to debug this method to figure out why it wasn't working for me.