In Python code, I frequently run into import statements like this:
from foo import ppp, zzz, abc
Is there any Vim trick, like :sort
for lines, to sort to this:
from foo import abc, ppp, zzz
Yep, there is:
%s/import\s*\zs.*/\=join(sort(split(submatch(0), '\s*,\s*')),', ')
The key elements are:
To answer the comment, if you want to apply the substitution on a visual selection, it becomes:
'<,'>s/\%V.*\%V\@!/\=join(sort(split(submatch(0), '\s*,\s*')), ', ')
The new key elements are this time:
:h /\%V
that says the next character matched shall belong to the visual selection:h /\@!
that I use, in order to express (combined with \%V
), that the next character shall not belong to the visual selection. That next character isn't kept in the matched expression.BTW, we can also use s
and i_CTRL-R_=
interactively, or put it in a mapping (here triggered on µ
:xnoremap µ s<c-r>=join(sort(split(@", '\s*,\s*')), ', ')<cr><esc>