We're changing or translation system from GetText to MYSQL Database. I want to put all the translations strings & translation ID from the original ".po" file into database.
For this I need to read the file and loop through each line, which is easy. The difficult part is when I see "msgid" or "msgstr" I need to extract the datas and insert this into a database.
Original file looks like this :
msgid "inactive_ad_detail_text"
msgstr "This ad doesn't exists"
msgid "breadcrumb_search"
msgstr "Search the site"
(... etc etc ...)
How can I extract the name of the the id (msgid) and the text (msgstr) between quotation marks ?
Also, I have some escaped text and two lines text like :
msgid "question_fill_form"
msgstr ""
"Please fill the form"
"<br>All fields are mandatory"
msgid "offer_contact_error"
msgstr ""
"Error detected "
"please click \"<em>restart</em>\" on the right side."
I think I need to detect [msgid "] the the last ["] quotation mark before the end-of-line but I really have no clue how to achieve in PHP.
Thanks for you help, Lio
There is a library for this. PHP-po-parser
// Parse a po file
$fileHandler = new Sepia\FileHandler('es.po');
$poParser = new Sepia\PoParser($fileHandler);
$entries = $poParser->parse();
// $entries contains every entry in es.po file.
// Update entries
$msgid = 'Press this button to save';
$entries[$msgid]['msgstr'] = 'Pulsa este botón para guardar';
$poParser->setEntry($msgid, $entries[$msgid]);
// You can also change translator comments, code comments, flags...
If you don't use composer, you can include the files in order or use an autoloader to load these.