I am using latest xamarin build 4.5 and trying to apply picker control with following facilities..
Binding option- I could not see ItemsSource property in latest xamarin release. I have used following code to bind picker control in c#
_pcPicker = this.FindByName("pcPicker");
foreach (var item in ParentCategory) { _pcPicker.Items.Add(item.Name); }
I need to bind category id also along with category name...please guide me how to bind and get id of selected category.
I could not follow this link for bindable picker - https://blog.xamarin.com/new-bindable-picker-control-for-xamarin-forms/ ... example given is not complete.
Please guide me how to customize picker control to achieve these two requirement-
This nuget package is great and will allow you to achieve what you want.
It allows you to create a pop up of any type of page. So for your picker, you could create a view that has a StackPanel, that has a ListView (so you can bind your ItemSource) and then 2 buttons New Category, Edit Category.