In my DW app I am trying to make the logging to the file and console asynchronous. I found that I can use the AsyncAppender, but is that already configured in DropWizard or do I need to enable it, if so how do I configure the logger to use the AsyncAppender
Logger root = (Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
AsyncAppender fileAppender = (AsyncAppender) root.getAppender("async-file-appender");
My config.yaml is looks like this
minThreads: 512
type: default
supportedCarParcFile: /opt/foo/my_app/config/my-app.json
threshold: INFO
type: console
archivedFileCount: 7
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /opt/foo/my_app/logs/my-app-%d.log.gz
currentLogFilename: /opt/foo/my_app/logs/my-app.log
threshold: INFO
timeZone: CST
type: file
archivedFileCount: 7
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /opt/foo/my_app/logs/my-app_error-%d.log.gz
currentLogFilename: /opt/foo/my_app/logs/my-app_error.log
threshold: ERROR
timeZone: CST
type: file
additive: true
archivedFileCount: 10
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /opt/foo/my_app/logs/metrics-%d.log.gz
currentLogFilename: /opt/foo/my_app/logs/metrics.log
type: file
level: INFO
I am using DropWizard 1.0.5.
The DefaultLoggingFactory
in dropwizard is used by default for logging purposes.
Which as you can see here makes use of the AsyncLoggingEventAppenderFactory
using the AsyncAppenderBase
to build the appenders. The documentation of ch.qos.logback.core.AsyncAppenderBase
states that:
This appender and derived classes, log events asynchronously. In order to avoid loss of logging events, this appender should be closed. It is the user's responsibility to close appenders, typically at the end of the application lifecycle.
This appender buffers events in a BlockingQueue. Worker thread created by this appender takes events from the head of the queue, and dispatches them to the single appender attached to this appender.
Now to your question, but is that already configured in DropWizard or do I need to enable it?
I would say, you don't need to enable it explicitly to configure async appending of the logs. The AsyncLoggingEventAppenderFactory
shall take care of it.