I'm trying to find all active patients, those with EndOfTreatment == null
The problem is that the relationship has a complex structure.
I'm not so good with these database diagram things, but I've made the following pictue, I think you will get the point:
My attempt so far:
var ans = ctx
.Include(p => p.Doctor)
.Include(p => p.Product)
.Include(p => p.Institution)
.Include(p => p.Doctor.TerritoryDoctorPanel
.Where(dp =>
(dp.Territory.PromotionalLine == p.Product.PromotionalLine) && // issuing
(dp.Territory.Active == true) // lines
.Where(p =>
(IDProduct == null || p.IDProduct == IDProduct.Value) &&
(p.EndOfTreatment == null)
.Select(p => new ActivePatientModel
IDPatient = p.ID,
Observation = p.Observation,
TreatmentPeriod = DateTimeSpan.CompareDates(
(DateTime)p.StartOfTreatment, DateTime.Now
NameDoctor = p.Doctor.FullName,
CodeDoctor = p.Doctor.Code,
CodeInstitution = p.Institution.Code,
I searched a lot and the closest I got was this answer from Moho, which adapted would look like:
.SelectMany(p => p.Doctor.TerritoryDoctorPanel)
.Where(dp => dp.Territory.PromotionalLine == /*p.Product.PromotionalLine*/)
// How can I reference p.Product here?
treated by Doctors
using some Product
working in Territories
. The relationship exists by Product.PromotionalLine = Territory.PromotionalLine
is of type int?
, thus: (IDProduct == null || p.IDProduct == IDProduct.Value)
I'm really out of ideas how to make it work.
I appreciate any suggestion.
I will try something, I hope I got your idea clearly though I am not sure I did.
so I guess your question is this
I need to get Patients treated by Doctors using some Product working in Territories. The relationship exists
and here is how i would do it.
var ans = ctx
.Include(p => p.Doctor)
.Include(p => p.Product)
.Include(p => p.Institution)
.Include(p => p.Doctor.TerritoryDoctorPanel
.Where(p =>
// some doctors, doctorIDs is list of all doctors id you want in case you are using id retrieval
doctorIDs.Contains(p.DoctorID) &&
//working in some territory
//similar to this, you can filter any doctor Attribute
p.Doctor.TerritoryDoctorPanel.Any(t => /*Add condition for TerritoryDoctorPanel here */) &&
(p.IDProduct == null || p.IDProduct == IDProduct.Value) &&
(p.EndOfTreatment == null) &&
// Product Promotion line conditions
// also similar to this you can filter any product attribute
(p.Product.PromotionalLine.Any(pl => /*Add condition for promotional lines here*/)))