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Dealing with not ready bindings in Angluarjs

I my component I'm passing an object as a binding,

.component('selectionButton', {
    bindings: {
        parentForm : '<'
    templateUrl: 'selection-button-component.html',
    controller: 'selectionButtonController',
    controllerAs: 'selBtnCtrl'

The problem is that the object I'm passing is not loaded yet when my component is initialized, so in the $onChanges hook I did this :

vm.$onChanges = function(newObj){
        vm.parentForm = newObj.parentForm.currentValue;

In my controller I call vm.parentForm in a function, which I trigger when I click on a button after my page is fully loaded, but I always get it as undefined, even when I changed it's value using $onChanges.

When I inspected the vm.$onChanges function I can see that the value of vm.parentForm is getting the new value in changesObj.parentForm.

How can I solve this ?

Edit :

I tried to wrap my element with an ng-if as following:

<span ng-if="fullPage.posteForm">
            <selection-button parent-form="fullPage.posteForm" ></selection-button>

but this didn't work. I also tried two-way binding which didn't work as well.


  • When you pass an object to a component it might not be ready because you are waiting for a promise or another action to be resolved but the object definition is there as undefined. For that kind of escenario you can use isFirstChange(). Here is a working example that illustrate such case JSFiddle example. Open your console to see when your bindings get updated after the timeout.

    Note: if the object name used in the component's template is equal to the one passed to the component you don't need to create a new object, it will be updated in your component and available in the template.