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Delta-sigma DAC from Verilog to VHDL

The code below implements a Delta-sigma DAC in Verilog, from a Xilinx application note and I want to write equivalent VHDL code. I don't know anything about Verilog and I'm beginner in VHDL so I had to make a lot of guesses and probably beginner errors (code below). I'm not sure the translation is correct can someone help please?

Original Verilog

`timescale 100 ps / 10 ps
`define MSBI 7

module dac(DACout, DACin, Clk, Reset);
output DACout;
reg DACout;
input [`MSBI:0] DACin;
input Clk;
input Reset;

reg [`MSBI+2:0] DeltaAdder;
reg [`MSBI+2:0] SigmaAdder;
reg [`MSBI+2:0] SigmaLatch;
reg [`MSBI+2:0] DeltaB;

always @(SigmaLatch) DeltaB = {SigmaLatch[`MSBI+2], SigmaLatch[`MSBI+2]} << (`MSBI+1);
always @(DACin or DeltaB) DeltaAdder = DACin + DeltaB;
always @(DeltaAdder or SigmaLatch) SigmaAdder = DeltaAdder + SigmaLatch;
always @(posedge Clk or posedge Reset)
        SigmaLatch <= #1 1'bl << (`MSBI+1);
        DACout <= #1 1'b0;
        SigmaLatch <== #1 SigmaAdder;
        DACout <= #1 SigmaLatch[`MSBI+2];

My try in VHDL:

entity audio is
        width  : integer := 8
        reset  : in    std_logic;
        clock  : in    std_logic;
        dacin  : in    std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
        dacout : out   std_logic
end entity;

architecture behavioral of audio is
    signal deltaadder    : std_logic_vector(width+2 downto 0);
    signal sigmaadder    : std_logic_vector(width+2 downto 0);
    signal sigmalatch    : std_logic_vector(width+2 downto 0);
    signal deltafeedback : std_logic_vector(width+2 downto 0);
    deltafeedback <= (sigmalatch(width+2), sigmalatch(width+2), others => '0');
    deltaadder <= dacin + deltafeedback;
    sigmaadder <= deltaadder + sigmalatch;

    process(clock, reset)
        if (reset = '1') then
            sigmalatch <= ('1', others => '0');
            dacout <= '0';
        elsif rising_edge(clock) then
            sigmalatch <= sigmaadder;
            dacout <= sigmalatch(width+2);
        end if;
    end process;
end architecture;


  • It looks like you're using ieee.std_logic_unsigned (or _arith) or both.

    Please don't do that. Use ieee.numeric_std.all instead.

    My Verilog is fairly non-existent, so I forget if Verilog defaults to signed or unsigned arithmetic... But whichever it is, make all your numerical signals into signed or unsigned types to match.

    Your reset clause probably wants to read something like:

    sigmalatch <= (width+1 => '1', others => '0');

    and the deltafeedback update is something like:

    deltafeedback(width+2 downto width+1) <= sigmalatch(width+2) & sigmalatch(width+2);
    deltafeedback(width downto 0) <= (others => '0');

    Finally, to match the Verilog, I think your width generic should be called MSBI and set to 7, (or change all your width+2s to width+1s to match your intention for the width generic)