I have a csv on my local machine, and I access Hive through Qubole web console. I am trying to upload the csv as a new table, but couldn't figure out. I have tried the following:
I get the error saying No files matching path file
I am guessing that the csv has to be in some remote server where hive is actually running, and not on my local machine. The solutions I saw doesn't explain how to handle this issue. Can someone help me out reg. this?
Qubole allows you to define hive external/managed tables on the data sitting on your cloud storage ( s3 or azure storage ) - so LOAD from your local box wont work. you will have to upload this on your cloud storage and then define an external table against it -
CREATE External TABLE orc1ext(
`itinid` string, itinid1 string)
stored as ORC
INSERT INTO TABLE orc1ext SELECT itinid, itinid
FROM default.default_qubole_airline_origin_destination LIMIT 5;