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How to disable a component based on viewModel store returnrd data extjs

I have two comboboxes and I want the combox(b) to be disabled based on the selected value from combobox A(I should look at its store data find the records and if the records parameter(arsubOpen) consists a value 1 then only I should enable the combobox B ). For this I have added a similar store like A and added a filter to filter the records which contain only arsubOpen 1. Now how do I make them enable them based on those store records.

Test fiddle


  • You can listen to change event and compare the new value with any value you want to enable the second combobox:

        xtype: 'combobox',
        anchor: '100%',
        displayField: 'description',
        valueField: 'adjustmentTypeId',
        fieldLabel: 'A',
        // lastQuery: '' to disable store loading a second time on trigger click
        lastQuery: '',
        bind: {
            store: '{a}'
        listeners: {
            change: function( combo, value ) {
                // Logging a value to console - remove this code
                console.log( value );
                var store = combo.getStore();
                var record = store.findRecord(combo.valueField, value)
                var arsubOpen = record.get('arsubOpen');
                // Condition for enabling here
                var shouldEnable = arsubOpen === 1;
                var form = combo.up( 'form' );
                var basicForm = form.getForm();
                // 'bField' si the name of the B combobox field
                var bCombo = basicForm.findField( 'bField' );
                bCombo.setDisabled( !shouldEnable );
        xtype: 'combobox',
        anchor: '100%',
        // Field name to use for form submitting and finding the field
        name: 'bField',
        displayField: 'description',
        valueField: 'arOnlySubCategoryId',
        fieldLabel: 'B',
        // lastQuery: '' to disable store loading a second time on trigger click
        lastQuery: '',
        bind: {
            disabled: 'disableB',
            store: '{B}'

    A fiddle based on your own.

    I threw in lastQuery: '' configuration to disable the store loading a second time on the trigger click, which can be really annoying and took me a lot of hours to figure out a solution.