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Odoo - Click event customization in list view

I have create a list view with the help of psql query with _auto = False. So there is not model registered against this. Now i want to customize this click event on the records that whenever a user click on any records i want to pass an order_id and then redirect user to that particular order detail screen.



    <record id="amgl_dashboard_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
        <field name="name">Dashboard</field>
        <field name="model">amgl.dashboard</field>
        <field name="arch" type="xml">
            <tree default_order="state desc" decoration-bf ="state in ('expecting','pending','completed')" decoration-info="state=='expecting'" decoration-danger="state=='pending'" decoration-succes="state=='completed'" string="Dashboard" create="false" edit="false">
                <field name="order_id" invisible="1"/>
                <button name="view_record" type="object" string="View Record" custom="click" class="oe_highlight"/>
                <field name="first_name"/>
                <field name="last_name"/>
                <field name="account_number"/>
                <field name="product"/>
                <field name="quantity"/>
                <field name="total_weight"/>
                <field name="state"/>


class Dashboard(models.Model):
_name = 'amgl.dashboard'
_auto = False

def view_record(self):
    print self

def init(self):
    tools.drop_view_if_exists(self._cr, 'dashboard')
            CREATE or REPLACE VIEW amgl_dashboard AS (

                    row_number() OVER () AS id,
           AS first_name,
                    c.last_name AS last_name,
                    c.account_type AS account_type,
                    c.account_number AS account_number,                        
                    (select name from amgl_products where id = ol.products) AS product,
                    ol.quantity AS quantity,
                    WHEN (select weight_unit from amgl_products where id = ol.products) = 'oz'
                        (select weight_per_piece from public.amgl_products where id = ol.products) * ol.quantity
                    WHEN (select weight_unit from amgl_products where id = ol.products) = 'gram'
                        ((select weight_per_piece from public.amgl_products where id = ol.products) / 28.34952) * ol.quantity
                    WHEN (select weight_unit from amgl_products where id = ol.products) = 'pounds'
                        ((select weight_per_piece from amgl_products where id = ol.products) * 16) * ol.quantity
                    WHEN (select weight_unit from amgl_products where id = ol.products) = 'kg'
                        ((select weight_per_piece from amgl_products where id = ol.products) / 0.02834952) * ol.quantity
                    ELSE 0.0
                    END) AS total_weight,
                    o.state AS state,
            AS order_id
                    FROM amgl_order AS o
                    INNER JOIN amgl_customer AS c ON = o.customer_id
                    INNER JOIN amgl_order_line AS ol ON ol.order_id =

name = fields.Char()
first_name = fields.Char(string="First Name")
last_name = fields.Char(string="Last Name")
account_type = fields.Char(string="Account Type")
account_number = fields.Char(string="Account Number")
product = fields.Char(string="Product")
quantity = fields.Float(string="Quantity")
total_weight = fields.Float(string="Total Weight")
state = fields.Selection([('expecting', 'Expecting'), ('pending', 'Pending'),
                          ('completed', 'Completed'), ('waiting', 'Waiting For Approval')],
                         'Status', default='expecting')
order_id = fields.Integer(string="Order Id")


<record id="amgl.dashboard_action_window" model="ir.actions.act_window">
        <field name="name">Dashboard</field>
        <field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
        <field name="res_model">amgl.dashboard</field>
        <field name="view_mode">tree</field>
        <field name="help" type="html">
          <p class="oe_view_nocontent_create">
            <!-- Add Text Here -->
            <!-- More details about what a user can do with this object will be OK -->







  • I think there are a couple of ways this could possibly work. I'm not 100% certain either of them will, but I'll give you the general ideas.

    XML Only Solution

    George has the main idea correct - you need to create an action to manage what you're wanting to do.

    The important distinction is that you seem to want the list view to display one model (amgl.dashboard) but the form view to display another (sale.order)

    Normally, I would suggest you create a button and display it in the list view to take the user directly to the sales order form. However, you may also be able to use a standard act_window action with the help of src_model.

    Example from core:

    Odoo uses the button below to invoke the action, which results in the user being able to go to the stock.location form view and go to the product.product list. You are essentially wanting to do the opposite of this with different models and without the button.

    <button string="Products"
            icon="fa-filter" name="%(act_product_location_open)d" type="action"
            context="{'location_id': active_id}"
        context="{'location': active_id, 
                  'search_default_real_stock_available': 1, 
                  'search_default_virtual_stock_available': 1,                     
                  'search_default_virtual_stock_negative': 1, 
                  'search_default_real_stock_negative': 1}"/>

    Python Solution:

    Assuming your view_record method is being called already, you can return the "View Sales Order form" action directly from the method itself.

    # Make sure these imports are called in your file
    # If you are on Odoo 9 or earlier, you must use openerp instead of odoo
    from odoo import _
    from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
    class Dashboard(models.Model):
        _name = 'amgl.dashboard'
        _auto = False 
        def view_record(self):
            """Return a Window Action to view the Sales Order form"""
            action = self.env.ref('sale.action_orders')
            form = self.env.ref('sale.view_order_form', False)
            if not (action or form):
                raise ValidationError(_("Sales Orders Action or Form not found!"))
            return {
                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
                'view_type': 'form',
                'view_mode': 'form',
                'views': [(, 'form')]
                'res_model': action.res_model,
                'res_id': self._context.get('id'),
                'target': 'current',
                'context': {},