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How can I automate the installation of a custom Android-x86 ISO for testing purposes?

Using the docker setup at I have managed to build a custom Android-x86 version that I can run and install on a VirtualBox/QEMU setup.

I am now concerned with speeding up the edit-compile-build-test cycle.

The custom system I am working on is graphical in nature, and so I do need some visual confirmation.

The problem I have is that I cannot figure out how to create a QEMU or VirtualBox image that will take me to the home screen immediately without running through the installation and Google account setup.

I have no problem scripting this, I just don't even know where to start.

Thanks in advance.


  • If I understand your question correctly, you are basically attempting to get rid of the Google start-up setup wizard. This can be achieved by removing the SetupWizared's file from the AOSP source repo, and building a version of your device that will not contain the wizard. In a GMS (Google Mobile Services) device's repo , go to: repo_root/vendor/google/apps/SetupWizard and delete the file. This will effectively disable the wizard app and it will not show up the upon booting from a fresh system flash.

    Alternatively, If you have root access to the device, you might want to mark the Setup Wizard as completed by invoking the following adb commands:

    adb shell
    adb shell "settings put secure user_setup_complete 1"
    adb reboot

    (Please note that I haven't tested this)