I have cloudera 5.7, I have Cloudera Manager too.
under the directory /etc/hadoop, I saw three sub-directories. /etc/hadoop/conf /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.HDFS/ /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.YARN/
the hadoop-env.sh in ../conf/ is different from ../conf.cloudera.HDFS/.. the core-site.xml in ../conf/ is different from ../conf.cloudera.HDFS/.. as well.
the hadoop-env.sh in ../conf/ has settings on YARN, while the one under../conf.cloudera.HDFS doesn't has it.
and the one in ../conf.cloudera.HDFS/.. has the settings for Namenode, datanodes, etc.
I have CM installed, I am wondering if these configuration files are really in use?
If yes, and I need to change some environment variables, should I change all of these hadoop-env.sh? and copy it to the other nodes?
Cloudera Manager handle settings for you. If you edit the settings files manually, it will erase by CM. If you want make some change, do it by CM.