I want to use Squirrel SQL since it seems a good alternative to pgAdmin but I do not succeed to connect with database postgresSQL, respectively, MariaDB. The error I got is:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: database "localhost:5432:postgres" does not exist
I have the following environment: Windows 7, postgreSQL 9.6, MariaDB 10.2. I can connect both databases with terminal or pgAdmin, respectively, HeidiSQL. So, I think I do something fundamentally wrong when trying to connect to the databases with Squirrel SQL.
Here are the detailled steps I did:
(1) The drivers are in C:\Program2\db_drivers and also the databases are installed in directory \Program2:
(2) I could register the drivers:
(3) Then I tried to make an alias:
(4) ... but got this error:
As documented in the manual the URL should be: