I have tried all solutions I could find on the topic, all of them didn't apply to the dataframe "inplace" and the multiplication never happened.
So here is what I am trying to do: I have a multilevel column dataframe with many measurements. Every column is ordered like this:
Value Unit Type
1 1.0 m/s a
2 1.7 m/s v
3 10.5 cm/s b
I am trying to convert all measurements with unit m/s to cm/s, i.e. I need to filter all Values with Unit m/s, multiply them by 10 and then change the Unit in the Unit column.
I managed the filter, however when I perform a multiplication on it (by *10, .mul(10) directly, or making a new assignment), it doesn't stick. Printing the dataframe afterwards shows no change in the values.
Here is the code:
unit_df = data.iloc[:, data.columns.get_level_values(1)=='Unit']
unit_col_list = []
for unitcol in unit_df.columns:
unitget = unit_df[unitcol][unit_df[unitcol].notnull()].unique()
if unitget.size > 1:
unit_col_list = [item[0] for item in unit_col_list] #so I get the header of the column
data_wrongunits = data[unit_col_list]
data_wrongunits[unit_col_list[0]][data_wrongunits[unit_col_list[0]]['Unit'] == 'm/s']['Value']*=10
data_wrongunits[unit_col_list[0]][data_wrongunits[unit_col_list[0]]['Unit'] == 'm/s']['Value'].mul(10)
data_wrongunits[unit_col_list[0]][data_wrongunits[unit_col_list[0]]['Unit'] == 'm/s']['Value']=data_wrongunits[unit_col_list[0]][data_wrongunits[unit_col_list[0]]['Unit'] == 'm/s']['Value']*10
The filter gives me a series of the Value column. Maybe another structure would help?
You can use:
print (data)
MeasurementType MeasurementType1
Value Unit Type Value Unit Type
1 1.0 m/s a 1.0 m/s a
2 1.7 m/s v 1.7 cm/s v
3 10.5 cm/s b 10.5 mm/s b
#get columns with Unit
unit_df = data.loc[:, data.columns.get_level_values(1)=='Unit']
print (unit_df)
MeasurementType MeasurementType1
Unit Unit
1 m/s m/s
2 m/s cm/s
3 cm/s mm/s
#create helper df with replace units by constants
#if value not in dict, get NaNs, so replaced by 1
d = {'m/s':10, 'mm/s':100}
df1 = unit_df.applymap(d.get).fillna(1).rename(columns={'Unit':'Value'})
print (df1)
MeasurementType MeasurementType1
Value Value
1 10.0 10.0
2 10.0 1.0
3 1.0 100.0
#filter only Value columns and multiple by df1
data[df1.columns] = data[df1.columns].mul(df1)
print (data)
MeasurementType MeasurementType1
Value Unit Type Value Unit Type
1 10.0 m/s a 10.0 m/s a
2 17.0 m/s v 1.7 cm/s v
3 10.5 cm/s b 1050.0 mm/s b