I created a table as below:
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS worddata(
Keyword VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
FileName VARCHAR(100));""")
and then executed it using:
cur.executemany("INSERT INTO worddata VALUES(%s, %s, %s)", wordData)
where wordData is a List of tuples with multiple entries.
This is NOT working. I tried following:
If I remove "wordid INT(11) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY" from the CREATE TABLE statement and remove one of the placeholders (%s), its working fine.
If I just remove one of the placeholders (%s) as suggested in some posts for cursor.execute, it is NOT working (Note I have to use "cursor.executemany")
I even tried using wordData(Keyword, FileName) during INSERT phase, DIDN'T work.
Tried many other options like putting DEFAULT, NULL, O etc. during INSERT and also during CREATE, none worked.
What is the way out wherein I can use cursor.executemany along with Auto_Increment and a list of tuples while inserting the entries in MySQL.
The solution is simple:
I was using Tuple of Tuples like: (('bye', '36930001437'), ('good', '36930001437'), ('night', '36930001437'))
The trick is to use List of Tuples: [('bye', '36930001437'), ('good', '36930001437'), ('night', '36930001437')]
With this simple change, I am now getting Auto_Increment column without any issues with respect to insert values command.