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Restricted Kubernetes dashboard?

Is it possible to have a restricted Kubernetes dashboard? The idea is to have a pod running kubectl proxy in the cluster (protected with basic HTTP authentication) to get a quick overview of the status:

  • Log output of the pods
  • Running services and pods
  • Current CPU/memory usage

However, I do not want users to be able to do "privileged" actions, like creating new pods, deleting pods or accessing secrets.

Is there some option to start the dashboard with a specified user or with restricted permissions?


  • It should be possible in kubernetes with RBAC enabled. You do not need to run a pod with kubectl proxy. I'm not sure whether it is possible to have 2 different sets of permissions for the same pod, but worst case you have to run 2 dashboards.

    Basically, what you need to do is:

    • deploy dashboard in your cluster with read-only permissions in RBAC
    • expose your running dashboard service
    • add ingress with basic HTTP auth