I have been struck with a piece on how to obtain a listbuffer of strings in the case where the listbuffer happens to be constructed in a scala future called in a loop.
Here is a kiss example
def INeedThatListBuffer(): ListBuffer[String] = {
var myCollections: ListBuffer[String] = new ListBuffer[String]()
for (day <- daysInaWeek) {
val myFuture: Future[String] = Future {
// use 'day' do some stuff and get me a result
myFuture.onComplete {
case Success(result) =>
myCollections += result
My problem is that sometimes listBuffer is empty list and sometimes the content that I expected. Clearly, this method is complete before the future is evaluated.
Just to Add
Kindly help me out.
This returns a future
. If you don't care about waiting for it to be complete, you can always access the underlying value using .value
def INeedThatListBuffer(): Future[ListBuffer[String]] = {
def buildFutureFromDay(day: String): Future[String] = Future { ??? }
.map(_.foldLeft(ListBuffer[String]())(_ += _))