I need to convert he below output to Json format in python.
How can i do it ?
switch# sh mod
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------
1 48 1/2/4/8 Gbps FC/Supervisor-3 DS-C9148-K9-SUP active *
Mod Sw Hw World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)
--- -------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 6.2(17) 1.1 20:01:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8 to 20:30:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8
Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- -------------------------------------- ----------
1 c0-8c-60-65-82-dc to c0-8c-60-65-82-df JAF1736ALLM
Input 1 : https://i.sstatic.net/EGsY4.jpg
Input 2 : https://i.sstatic.net/aDGcB.jpg
You can use the '---' separators to define the slices of each key and value line to build up each key value. (From your example, I'm guessing there are multiple "Mod"s, with unique Mod values, so I used this field for the overall accumulator key.)
from collections import defaultdict
import re
from itertools import groupby
sample = """\
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------
1 48 1/2/4/8 Gbps FC/Supervisor-3 DS-C9148-K9-SUP active *
2 48 1/2/4/8 Gbps FC/Supervisor-3 DS-C9148-K9-SUP active *
Mod Sw Hw World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)
--- -------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 6.2(17) 1.1 20:01:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8 to 20:30:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8
2 6.2(17) 1.1 20:01:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8 to 20:30:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8
Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- -------------------------------------- ----------
1 c0-8c-60-65-82-dc to c0-8c-60-65-82-df JAF1736ALLM
2 c0-8c-60-65-82-ec to c0-8c-60-65-82-ef JAF1736AXXX
Xbar Ports Module-Type Model Status
---- ----- ----------- ----- ------
1 0 Fabric 1 ABC ok
Xbar Sw Hw
---- -- ---
1 NA 1.0
all_input_lines = sample.splitlines()
mod_accum = defaultdict(dict)
xbar_accum = defaultdict(dict)
for is_blank, input_lines_iter in groupby(all_input_lines,
key=lambda s: not bool(s.strip())):
input_lines = list(input_lines_iter)
if is_blank:
# assume first two lines are field names and separator dashes
names, dashes = input_lines[:2]
# make sure dashes line is all '---' separators
if not all(ss == set('-') for ss in map(set, dashes.split())):
print("invalid line group found, skipping...")
# use regex to get start/end of each '---' divider, and make slices
spans = (match.span() for match in re.finditer('-+', dashes))
slices = [slice(sp[0], sp[1]+1) for sp in spans]
names = [names[sl].rstrip() for sl in slices]
# is this a module or an xbar?
if 'Mod' in names:
key = 'Mod'
accum = mod_accum
elif 'Xbar' in names:
key = 'Xbar'
accum = xbar_accum
raise ValueError("no Mod or Xbar name in row names ({})".format(
for line in input_lines:
# use slices to extract data from values, make into a dict
row_dict = dict(zip(names, (line[sl].rstrip() for sl in slices)))
# accumulate these values into any previous ones collected for this Mod
# print out what we got
import json
all_data = {"Modules": mod_accum, "Xbars": xbar_accum}
print(json.dumps(all_data, indent=2))
"Modules": {
"2": {
"World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)": "20:01:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8 to 20:30:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8",
"Module-Type": "1/2/4/8 Gbps FC/Supervisor-3",
"Ports": "48",
"Sw": "6.2(17)",
"Hw": "1.1",
"Model": "DS-C9148-K9-SUP",
"Status": "active *",
"Serial-Num": "JAF1736AXXX",
"MAC-Address(es)": "c0-8c-60-65-82-ec to c0-8c-60-65-82-ef",
"Mod": "2"
"1": {
"World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)": "20:01:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8 to 20:30:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8",
"Module-Type": "1/2/4/8 Gbps FC/Supervisor-3",
"Ports": "48",
"Sw": "6.2(17)",
"Hw": "1.1",
"Model": "DS-C9148-K9-SUP",
"Status": "active *",
"Serial-Num": "JAF1736ALLM",
"MAC-Address(es)": "c0-8c-60-65-82-dc to c0-8c-60-65-82-df",
"Mod": "1"
"Xbars": {
"1": {
"Module-Type": "Fabric 1",
"Ports": "0",
"Sw": "NA",
"Hw": "1.0",
"Model": "ABC",
"Status": "ok",
"Xbar": "1"