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automated assembly loop level profiling

Does anyone know any assembly loop level profiler?

I have been using gprof but gprof hides loops and it is function level profiling, yet to optimize my code i want something to go to the loop level. I want it to be automated and just give me the output like gprof. I was recommended to go to dtrace yet I have no idea were to start. anyone can direct me in anyway? for example


pushl   %ebp     
movl    %esp, %ebp     
subl    $16, %esp     
movl    $5000000, -4(%ebp)     
movl    $0, -12(%ebp)     
movl    $0, -8(%ebp)    
jmp .L2 


 movl    -8(%ebp), %eax    
 addl    %eax, -12(%ebp)    
 addl    $1, -8(%ebp) 


movl    -8(%ebp), %eax    
cmpl    -4(%ebp), %eax    
jl  .L3     
movl    $0, %eax    
leave     ret 

for example in gprof it would say main executed 1 time and foo executed 100 times. yet I want to know if L2, or L3 executed 1M times then my concentration on optimizing would be here. if my question is vague please ask me to explain more Thanks


  • I suggest using Callgrind (one of the Valgrind tools, and usually installed with it). This can gather statistics on a much more fine-grained level, and the kcachegrind tool is very good for visualising the results.