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Update Exchange Server Certificate in C#

My goal is to update the Certificate for Exchange Servers from within a C# app, just like the Enable-ExchangeCertificate PS Cmdlet does.

I've already written an updater for IIS, which uses Microsoft.Web.Administration to access and manipulate IIS Sites and Bindings. I've searched through Google and VS Libraries for Exchange API tools, but without any luck. I can only find References to EWS (Exchange Web Services), which can't update the Server Certificate AFAIK.

Is there any API that can be used? How does Enable-ExchangeCertificate provide the functionality? I'm also thinking about just using the PS Cmdlet if all else fails, but I'd like to have a standalone app to rely on. No remote server management needed, localhost-only is fine.

tl;dr How to update a local Exchange Server Certificate in C#?

EDIT I'll look further into the EWS API (, it looks like it might do the job. It provides Assemblies to access EWS data, but I haven't found any API Calls exclusively for Certificate Management.


  • There are multiple parts in MS Exchange which aren´t covered by an API. Mostly this is due to security reasons or as it´s quite complex and therefore no API needed (e.g. Exchange Schema update).

    The normal Microsoft way included only two steps:

    1. Make a Backup of the current configuration & SSL cert (Optional)

    2. Import the certificate

    Import-ExchangeCertificate -FileData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path c:\certificates\YOUR_CERTIFICATE.cer -Encoding byte -ReadCount 0))

    But some use MMC and that's working as well (so you might check for an API for MMC for this part).

    1. Enable it

    Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint 1234ae0567a72fccb75b1d0198628675333d010e -Services POP,IMAP,SMTP,IIS

    I would assume that there is no such API as its not really needed to have one. Normally an SSL certificate is valid for 3 years. So you need to run the command above 1x every 3 years and a 3rd party access to this part wouldn´t make any sense as it wouldn´t be often used and therefore Microsoft haven´t build one.

    To give you more infos here. The SSL certificate information for Microsoft is saved in two locations. One in the local Regestry and one in Microsoft Active Directory (see here: uses the local instance of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) to read and write data). Dealing with changes to the ActiveDirectory without the way Microsoft supports might be VERY risky and would mean that Microsoft do not offer any support if that caused a problem. So I would use the powershell approach Enable-ExchangeCertificate in your app.

    P.S. I would never ever run an unknown plugin on my Exchange server which do replace an SSL certificate which I can do via a simple powershell command. The plugin could cause a lot of other issues and can contain a lot of stuff which isn´t so "nice". So before you wast your time into that project think if there is really an audience for it.