I'm building an e-commerce site, and I want to show product's price due to user's IP address. For getting the IP I use this code: current_user.current_sign_in_ip
. To get the region of the IP address, I use this: Geocoder.search(current_user.current_sign_in_ip)
. My Product
model is connected to a Currency
model through a table ProductCurrency
, where I store product_id
, currency_id
and 'price'.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :category
has_many :variants
has_many :product_currencies
has_many :currencies, through: :product_currencies
accepts_nested_attributes_for :product_currencies, allow_destroy: true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :variants, allow_destroy: true, reject_if: :all_blank
class Currency < ApplicationRecord
has_many :product_currencies, dependent: :destroy
has_many :products, through: :product_currencies
has_many :currency_regions
has_many :regions, through: :currency_regions
class ProductCurrency < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :currency
So, my Product
can have several currencies (EUR, USD) and prices (100 EUR, 150 USD). For a Currency
model, I have a joining table called CurrencyRegion
, where I store currency_id
and region_id
. And a related model called Region
class Region < ApplicationRecord
has_many :currency_regions
has_many :currencies, through: :currency_regions
class CurrencyRegion < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :currency
belongs_to :region
So, what can I do to display product's price in USD if users IP address is from USA? Thanks ahead.
Please try below code:
region = Geocoder.search(current_user.current_sign_in_ip)
price = ProductCurrency.
joins(currency: :regions).
where('regions.name = ?', region).