Is there a way to create custom shorthand's in Visual Studio 2017. Just like ctor or prop?
I would like to create a shorthand for unit-tests, to just type in for instance test and then having a predefined function to edit like:
public void Method_Condition_Expected()
// Arrange
// Act
// Assert
As @Peter B has suggested for Visual Studio itself you can do it with Snippet Designer (Tools->Code Snippets Manager).
I found out right now, that my installed Tool ReSharper (2016.3) has an option to create so-called Live-Template's.
With that, I can create a Template like this:
public void $Method$_$Condition$_$Expected$()
// Arrange
// Act
// Assert
The nice part is now, that i can tab through Method,Condition and Expected and overwrite the values.
How to use: Mark a Code-Area such like the code Above in Visual Studio then click on Resharper->Tools->Create Live Template from Selection->Create and Edit.
Now wrap code-areas for tabing through with $ for instance like $Method$ and give a shortcut name such like test.
I hope this helps somebody else as well.
For a closer Comparision between Visual Studio Snippet Manager and Resharper Live Templates see Difference between Live Template and Visual Studio Snippet