Razor allows arguments to ASP.NET Core MVC tag helpers to be written as inline C# expressions within the corresponding attribute declaration. However, since HTML attributes are delimited by quotation marks, what's the syntax if such an expression should itself contain a quotation mark?
Here's a sample from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/views/tag-helpers/authoring:
<website-information info="new WebsiteContext {
Version = new Version(1, 3),
CopyrightYear = 1638,
Approved = true,
TagsToShow = 131 }" />
What would this look like if one of the WebsiteContext
properties were to take a string literal?
Since my original answers was flawed, here is an approach that will work that I tested on code similar to yours:
If the CopyrightYear is a string what you can do is use single quotes for the outer quotes and use double quotes for the strings like so:
<website-information info='new WebsiteContext {
Version = new Version(1, 3),
CopyrightYear = "1638",
Approved = true,
TagsToShow = 131 }' />