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How to Sum the weight with coefficient in JanusGraph?

We have the Graph below.

gremlin> a = graph.addVertex("name", "alice")
gremlin> b = graph.addVertex("name", "bobby")
gremlin> c = graph.addVertex("name", "cindy")
gremlin> d = graph.addVertex("name", "david")
gremlin> e = graph.addVertex("name", "eliza")
gremlin> a.addEdge("rates",b,"tag","ruby","value",9)
gremlin> b.addEdge("rates",c,"tag","ruby","value",8)
gremlin> c.addEdge("rates",d,"tag","ruby","value",7)
gremlin> d.addEdge("rates",e,"tag","ruby","value",6)
gremlin> a.addEdge("rates",e,"tag","java","value",9)
gremlin> g.E().values("tag")
gremlin> graph.tx().commit()

Below Script we can get the weight for all the paths.

==>cindy=[8, 9, 8]
==>david=[8, 7, 9, 8, 7]

Below we can sum the weight for all the paths.

==>bobby=9 sum[9]
==>cindy=25 sum[8, 9, 8]
==>david=39 sum[8, 7, 9, 8, 7]

My question is how can I Sum the weight with coefficient? like below

==>bobby=[9] = 9*1
==>cindy=[8, 9, 8] = 8*1 + 9*0.5 + 8*0.25 
==>david=[8, 7, 9, 8, 7] = 8*1 + 7*0.5 + 9*0.25 + 8*0.125 + 7*0.0625

Another request is if the coefficient is from edge property co?

Your help is really appreciated!


  • You can do something like g.V().has('name','alice').repeat(outE().has('tag','ruby').inV()).times(3).emit().group().by('name').by(path().unfold().has('value').values('value').fold()).next().collect{k, v -> v.withIndex().collect {Integer it, Integer idx -> return it * (1/(idx + 1))}.inject(0.0) {acc,i -> acc+i}} Don't forget, you're working with the groovy programming language as well, so you have access to those features.