I am trying to achieve Resolving instances using Autofac KeyFilter. I am getting results if explicitly resolve the instances using ResolveKeyed<> . However when using KeyFilter in Constructor i am seeing different instances being resolved as parameters.
here is the small example .. i came up..
public enum TestApiEnum
public interface ITestService
public interface ITestApi
public class TestService : ITestService
public TestService([KeyFilter(TestApiEnum.TestA)]ITestApi testApiA,
[KeyFilter(TestApiEnum.TestB)] ITestApi testApiB)
public class TestApiA : ITestApi
public TestApiA(TestApiEnum testEnum)
TestApiEnum = testEnum;
public TestApiEnum TestApiEnum { get; set; }
public class TestApiB: ITestApi
public TestApiB(TestApiEnum testEnum)
TestApiEnum = testEnum;
public TestApiEnum TestApiEnum { get; set; }
Builder Registration
.WithParameter("testEnum", TestApiEnum.TestA);
.WithParameter("testEnum", TestApiEnum.TestB);
var builder = AutofacConfig.ConfigureContainer();
using (var scope = builder.BeginLifetimeScope())
// Able to Resolve following two..
var testApiA = scope.ResolveKeyed<ITestApi>(TestApiEnum.TestA);
var testApiB = scope.ResolveKeyed<ITestApi>(TestApiEnum.TestB);
// following test service resolves both parameters as **testApiB** and **testApiB**
var testservice = scope.Resolve<ITestService>();
i have similar problems with KeyFilter (link)
In your case it is about the following: in constructor KeyFilter don't work - it is an issue :-( it will be resolved only by interface, by last registered interface :-( (in your case TestB)
Check it out.
first case : add:
.WithParameter("testEnum", TestApiEnum.TestC);
and comment out your registrations (It doesn't matter) --> you (always) get TestC
Second case: swap initial registration --> last registration will be used.
Third case: comment out lines ".AsImplementedInterfaces()": you will get exception until don't register code of first case.